dimanche, juin 27, 2004

Les Blogs | La Pratique - Le phénomène - Le Business

Les Blogs | La Pratique - Le phénomène - Le Business : "Benoit Desavoye
J'aurais dû (re)tomber sur le travail de Benoit Desavoye avant de commencer à préparer ma présentation. Comme il est sous license CC j'aurais pu m'en inspiré largement ;-)
Prenez le temps de parcourir son ouvrage et attardez vous sur les points qui vous intéressent.
Quant à moi j'aurai tout lu avant le 7 juillet.

Wired News: Blogs Welcome at Dems' Convention

Wired News: Blogs Welcome at Dems' Convention: "A handful of scribes publishing in a newer medium will join the thousands of newspaper, magazine and broadcast journalists at this summer's political conventions. They'll be blogging."

Gates said considering online diary

Gates said considering online diary: "A study shows that about 2 percent of U.S. Internet users contributing to the Web maintain their own blogs"

mardi, juin 22, 2004


BugMeNot.com: "Bypass Compulsory Web Registration"

BugMeNot.com was created as a mechanism to quickly bypass the login of web sites that require compulsory registration and/or the collection of personal/demographic information (such as the New York Times).

Are Blogs Ready for Prime-Time?

Are Blogs Ready for Prime-Time?: "Are Blogs Ready for Prime-Time?"
Many advertisers think bloggers—and blog readers—inhabit some kind of cyber backwater, full of stagnant, egotistical, overwritten and overblown opinion pages, but no real advertising opportunities.

je suis outré ! :-D

Les cahiers d'Anne Archet

Les cahiers d'Anne Archet: "nstaller WordPress fut un jeu d’enfant. Sur leur site, on promet une installation en cinq minutes. Dans mon cas, ce fut encore plus court : trois minutes quarante secondes, montre en main."
"Quant à l’importation de mes vieux posts de Greymatter, ce fut carrément désastreux. Malgré tous mes efforts, WordPress n’a pas réussi à reconnaître les lettres accentuées. J’ai donc dû tout transférer manuellement. Aie aie aie, moi qui déteste me relire !"

Blogs : une nouvelle mémoire d'entreprise ? par Pierre Lombard

Blogs : une nouvelle mémoire d'entreprise ? par Pierre Lombard: "Le blog, contraction de Web Log, serait-il le dernier gadget à la mode dans les entreprises ?"

Quel standard pour la syndication de contenu ?

Quel standard pour la syndication de contenu ?: "Le format RSS souffre notamment d'un manque de standardisation. Le projet Atom pourrait pallier à ce manque. Explications"

Panorama des outils pour bâtir un weblog en entreprise

Panorama des outils pour bâtir un weblog en entreprise: "Ils fleurissent sur le Web au sein de sites personnels, mais s'utilisent aussi dans un cadre professionnel. Le tour des outils dont les fonctionnalités sont suffisamment riches pour répondre à ce second besoin, à la frontière des solutions de publication/portail."

lundi, juin 21, 2004

Bus, une altérnative

Pour ceux qui viendront aux RMLL et qui ont besoin du bus pour s'y rendre :
Tout sur les bus bordelais
La fiche de la ligne U [pdf], qui passe devant l'ENSEIRB, où se tiendront les rencontres, et les horaires [pdf]
Bien sûr le Tramway [ligne B] sera en fonction, mais juste au cas où... Il ne nous a pas habitués à fonctionner correctement.

samedi, juin 19, 2004


blogdex - about blogdex
Blogdex is a research project of the MIT Media Laboratory tracking the diffusion of information through the weblog community. Ideas can have very similar properties to a disease, spreading through the population like wildfire. The goal of Blogdex is to explore what it is about information, people, and their relationships that allows for this contagious media.

mezzoblue  §  Validation, Moderation, Constipation

mezzoblue  §  Validation, Moderation, Constipation: "Validation matters. No it doesn’t. Validation is hard. No it isn’t. Standards are flexible. No they’re not. Does this conversation sound familiar? Updated 18 Jun 2004"
What about components added by your favorite blogging system (Blogger could be an example, no?) destroying your attempts to be standard compliant ?
Somebody HELP ! :-D

Wired 10.05.2002: Must Read

Wired 10.05: Must Read: "Weblogs Are To Words What Napster Was To Music"

Wired News: Thousands of Blogs Fall Silent

Wired News: Thousands of Blogs Fall Silent: "serial 'blog murder'".
When you choose a provider, you better make the right choice.
Got back-up ?

Read this one also, from Boston Online. And comments :-) :putting your site on a CentralizedShinyWidget{tm} like weblogs.com or blogger.com is like moving into a house built of sugar cubes in the tropics, and then crying foul when the monsoon comes

Anyway, Dave seems to have a solution available :
Transition plan for hosted sites, posted 6/17/04 at 4:42:22 AM.

Asymptomatic » Blogware Choice

Asymptomatic » Blogware Choice: "As many new visitors may know, I recently created this chart showing the various features of weblog software that is available. I want to answer some common questions I’ve been getting in email about the chart, and tell you finally what I decided to use and why."

A good place to start, if you want to chooses a CMS for your blogs


WordPress › Home
WordPress is a state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability. What a mouthful.


Textpattern: "Textpattern"
A flexible, elegant, easy-to-use content management system for all kinds of websites, even weblogs.


.Text: Home
Where copy/paste the overview isn't possible ! That's what I call morons :-(

Eastgate Tinderbox

Eastgate Tinderbox: the tool for notes
Tinderbox is a personal content management assistant. It stores your notes, ideas, and plans. It can help you organize and understand them. And Tinderbox helps you share ideas through Web journals and web logs.

SPIP, Système de Publication pour l'Internet

SPIP, Système de Publication pour l'Internet
SPIP est le système de publication développé par le minirézo pour la gestion du site uZine. Nous le livrons à chacun, sous licence de logiciel libre (GPL). Vous pouvez donc l’utiliser librement pour votre propre site, qu’il soit personnel, associatif, institutionnel ou marchand.


s9y PHP weblog software - Serendipity
Serendipity is a weblog/blog system, implemented with PHP. It is standards compliant, feature rich and open source (BSD License).

pMachine Pro

pMachine | pM Pro Introduction
pMachine is online publishing's most flexible and creative software.  With pMachine, you can publish virtually any kind of web content - from a basic weblog, to an advanced interactive magazine.  pMachine gives you complete control over the presentation and the interactivity of your site.


Pivot is a web-based tool to help you maintain dynamic sites, like weblogs or online journals. Pivot is released under the GPL so it is completely free to use. It is written in PHP, and does not require additional libraries or databases to function.

Nucleus CMS

Nucleus CMS
Radek Hulan has released the first version of Blog:CMS (previously also known as "Nucleus eXtreme Edition"). It's basically the same code as Nucleus CMS, but comes with 18 or 45 pre-installed plugins, which are highly optimized to work together better. This plugin-collection saves you from collecting and installing plugins yourself, which means you can start blogging right away. Blog:CMS comes with 8 pre-installed skins (layouts), so you don't need to worry about that either


movabletype.org : Product Overview: "Feature-rich
No Software to Install
Fully Hosted"


Manila: Manila: Web Publishing For the Rest of Us!: "Manila"
Manila is an enterprise-class website and weblog publishing system that anyone can use to create or edit web content. Offering amazing functionality at an even more amazing price, Manila makes it easy to publish websites, weblogs, intranets and portals. In addition, you can manage weblog communities, online discussion groups and mailing lists. Manila also comes with built-in tools that make it easy to syndicate your web content via RSS.


Greymatter - The Opensource Weblog/Journal Software: "greymatter"
Greymatter is the original opensource weblogging and journal software. With fully-integrated comments, searching, file uploading and image handling, completely customisable output through dozens of templates and variables, multiple author support, and many other features—while having perhaps the simplest installation process and easiest-to-use interface of any program offering this level of functionality—Greymatter permanently raised the bar for weblogging and journaling, and it remains the program of choice for tens of thousands of people around the world.


ExpressionEngine | Overview: "ExpressionEngine"
ExpressionEngine is the world's most creative and powerful web publishing software.  In fact, it will redefine the entire genre.  Bold claim?  Yes, but we can back it up.  Read on and you'll see why ExpressionEngine is so compelling, or download a free trial and see it in action for yourself.

ecto blog

ecto blog: What is ecto?
ecto is a feature-rich desktop blogging client for MacOSX and Windows, supporting a wide range of weblog systems, such as TypePad, MovableType, WordPress, Drupal, Nucleus, Blogger, and more. ecto is the successor of the wildly popular Kung-Log, which has been in use by thousands of Mac users and which earned a 4.5 mice in the MacWorld July 2003 issue. ecto earned high ratings at VersionTracker.com, and at MacUpdate.com.


Accueil - DotClear: "DotClear"
DotClear est une application PHP de publication de weblog. Il suffit de quelques minutes pour l'installer puis, grâce à une interface élégante, poster vos premiers billets.

blosxom :: the zen of blogging ::

blosxom :: the zen of blogging :: : "Blosxom"
blosxom :: the zen of blogging ::
Blosxom (pronounced "blossom") is a lightweight yet feature-packed weblog application designed from the ground up with simplicity, usability, and interoperability in mind.


Blogger Knowledge: "The Great Blogger Relaunch"
In 1999, Blogger was launched as a side project to help make it easy for a few Web geeks to update their homepages. That side project soon became the real deal and Google acquired us in 2003. Our new world is fantastic. Even the food here is amazing.


About blojsom - Confluence: "blojsom"

blojsom is …

A lightweight blog package written in Java that was inspired by blosxom. blojsom aims to retain the simplicity in design of its Perl-based "relative" while adding user flexibility in areas such as the flavors, templating, plugins, and the ability to run a multi-user blog with a single blojsom installation.

BBlog - php blog software

BBlog - php blog software: "bBlog"
And it's blog


b2evolution: Home: "What is b2evolution?"
Multilingual multiuser multi-blog engine.
b2evolution is probably the most comprehensive blog engine you can find! Oh dear ! I should check this one...